Quantifying the geographical extent, location and spatial dynamics of
croplands, rural and urban settlements and different types of vegetation
cover provides essential information for monitoring and managing human
dominated ecosystems and landscapes. Large portions of Africa remain a
virtual “terra incognita” in this context. The main reason for
monitoring land
cover is to assess where in a particular country or region of
interest (ROI)
significant impacts of humans on ecosystem services can be expected
within different land cover classes, and vice versa.
The main goal of this notebook is to illustrate improved starter code
for predictive land cover mapping with multilabel data (also see the
previous workflow examples here). We
use Malawi’s legacy GeoSurvey data from 2018 and the associated raster
features to illustrate the general approach and the main data analysis
steps. Land cover data present a special class of labeling problems
for data mining, machine learning and various statistical applications
because they frequently contain multiple labels, which may be
interdependent. The figure below illustrates the structure of multilabel
data relative to binary and multiclass data types and classification
GeoSurvey is an application
for rapidly collecting and analyzing land cover observations. High
resolution satellite images and/or other aerial (e.g., aircraft or
drone) imagery can be systematically and rapidly labeled by either
trained image interpreters and/or by vetted crowds of Citizen
Scientists. When done with care, these observations can result in
large, well-structured, properly labeled, geospatial data sets that are
suitable for data mining, machine learning and geostatistical
predictions of land cover and in some instances for monitoring land use. When
supplied with properly time-stamped imagery, GeoSurvey can also be used
for monitoring ecosystem and landscape changes. Figure 2 shows some
labeled examples from Malawi.
The detailed manual for conducting your own GeoSurveys is available
at: GeoSurvey
manual. The manual should definitely be consulted to obtain more
information about how GeoSurvey can be used to carry out potentially
high value surveys of remote areas. There is also a great slide deck
available here,
which illustrates different land cover and use labeling approaches. I’ll
not cover those issues in this notebook and will assume that you already
have well-designed GeoSurvey data and well collocated spatial features
in hand.
Data setup
To run this notebook, you will need to load the packages indicated in
the chunk below. This allows you to model and predict the Malawi
GeoSurvey observations using machine learning algorithms MLAs
and/or geostatistics.
The notebook itself is versioned and maintained on Github, and you can fork and modify it from there as you see
# Package names
packages <- c("tidyverse", "rgdal", "sp", "raster", "leaflet", "htmlwidgets", "caret", "caretEnsemble",
"doParallel", "pROC")
# Install packages
installed_packages <- packages %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if (any(installed_packages == FALSE)) {
# Load packages
invisible(lapply(packages, library, character.only = TRUE))
Data downloads
This chunk loads the data, which are needed to run this example. The
downloads contain the most recent GeoSurvey data from 2018, and the
respective raster features. The survey data should be downloaded
to your working directory from The
raster maps can be downloaded from The next chunk then loads the data
from your working directory and links the GeoSurvey with the
# GeoSurvey data
geos <- read.table("MW_gsdat18.csv", header = T, sep = ",")
geos$BP <- as.factor(ifelse(geos$BP == 1, "a", "b"))
geos$CP <- as.factor(ifelse(geos$CP == 1, "a", "b"))
geos$WP <- as.factor(ifelse(geos$WP == 1, "a", "b"))
# Raster feature data
# unzip("", overwrite = T)
glist <- list.files(pattern="tif", full.names=T)
grids <- stack(glist)
# Project GeoSurvey coords to grid CRS
geos.proj <-$lon, geos$lat),
"+proj=laea +ellps=WGS84 +lon_0=20 +lat_0=5 +units=m +no_defs"))
colnames(geos.proj) <- c("x","y")
geos <- cbind(geos, geos.proj)
coordinates(geos) <- ~x+y
projection(geos) <- projection(grids)
# Extract raster variables at GeoSurvey locations
geosgrid <- extract(grids, geos)
gsdat <-, geosgrid))
gsdat <- na.omit(gsdat) ## includes only complete cases
# gsdat <- gsdat[!duplicated(gsdat), ] ## removes any duplicates
An overview map of where the >18k, spatially representative,
Malawi GeoSurvey observations were collected by trained image
interpreters in 2018 is generated by the next chunk. You can click and
zoom into the individual locations.
# Plot GeoSurvey sample locations
w <- leaflet() %>%
setView(lng = mean(gsdat$lon), lat = mean(gsdat$lat), zoom = 7) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap.Mapnik) %>%
addCircleMarkers(gsdat$lon, gsdat$lat, clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions())
saveWidget(w, 'MW_GS_sample_locs.html', selfcontained = T) ## save widget
w ## plot widget
Calibration /
validation split
To start the fitting processes the next chunk scrubs some of the
extraneous objects in memory, removes any incomplete cases, sets-up
labels and features, and creates a randomized (80/20%) partition between
the training and validation dataframes.
# Set output directories
dir.create("results", showWarnings=F)
dir.create("base_learner", showWarnings=F)
# Set calibration/validation set randomization seed
seed <- 12358
# Split data into calibration and validation sets
gsIndex <- createDataPartition(gsdat$BP, p = 4/5, list = F, times = 1)
gs_cal <- gsdat[ gsIndex,]
gs_val <- gsdat[-gsIndex,]
# GeoSurvey calibration labels
labs <- c("BP") ## insert other presence/absence labels (CP, WP) here!
lcal <- as.vector(t(gs_cal[labs]))
# Raster calibration features
fcal <- gs_cal[ ,c(9:42)]
The chunk also sets the calibration labels and the associated raster
features. Note that while we are illustrating the code for are buildings
present? (BP
) data here, you would also need to substitute
the cropland and woody cover >60% presence variables (CP
and WP
) and specify those with the labs
variable in the chunk directly above. If we were to run all 3 land cover
labels at once, a “normal” computer would quickly run out of
memory in training the complete predictions for this dataset.
Spatial multilabel
We will be using a stacked generalization here (Wolpert,
1992). This amounts to independently training individual binary
classifiers for each individual land cover label and then combining
(stacking) the classifiers to account for dependencies between labels.
Given unseen samples, the stacked model then predicts all of the labels
for which the respective base classifiers indicate positive results.
This method of dividing the task into multiple binary tasks resembles
the more familiar one-vs-rest or one-vs-one methods
that are typically used in multiclass
classification tasks. However, it is fundamentally different because
binary or multiclass classifiers only deal with single rather than
multiple target labels; see e.g., Probst
et. al., (2017) for a concise description about how stacking works
in the context of multilabel classification.
This chunk fits 5 models that use the that use all of gridded
calibration data with 10-fold cross-validation. Learn more about how
these algorithms work by following links at: MASS,
and nnet.
You can use caretEnsemble
instead of caret
long as the feature variables (grids
in this case), and the
methods are the same for each model in the
function. This shortens the script-length of this
notebook but does not otherwise affect the overall caret
functionality. Note however that the calculations take a bit of time to
run on a normal 8-core, 16 Gb memory computer. This is not a big problem
for a relatively small ROI like Malawi, but it might be computationally
challenging for larger countries like the DRC, Tanzania or Ethiopia. We
fit these models with 10-fold cross-validation and default-tuning of the
relevant hyperparameters.
# Start doParallel
mc <- makeCluster(detectCores())
# Specify model training controls
tc <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10, classProbs = T,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary, allowParallel = TRUE, savePredictions="final")
# Fit 4 base classifiers using all of the raster features
blist <- caretList(fcal, lcal,
trControl = tc,
tuneList = NULL,
methodList = c("glmStepAIC", "rf", "xgbTree", "nnet"),
preProcess = c("center","scale"),
metric = "ROC")
# Generate spatial predictions
gl.pred <- predict(grids, blist$glmStepAIC, type = "prob")
rf.pred <- predict(grids, blist$rf, type = "prob")
xt.pred <- predict(grids, blist$xgbTree, type = "prob")
nn.pred <- predict(grids, blist$nnet, type = "prob")
spreds <- stack(gl.pred, rf.pred, xt.pred, nn.pred)
names(spreds) <- c("gl","rf","xt","nn")
# Save fitted models
fname <- paste("./base_learner/", labs, "_blist.rds", sep = "")
saveRDS(blist, fname)
This next chunk then fits and predicts a classifier ensemble based on
the initial 4 base-learner models using the calibration data.
# Extract base-learner predictions at GeoSurvey locations
coordinates(gs_cal) <- ~x+y
projection(gs_cal) <- projection(spreds)
gspred <- extract(spreds, gs_cal)
gs_cal <-, gspred))
fcal <- gs_cal[ ,c(43:46)]
# Start doParallel
mc <- makeCluster(detectCores())
# Control setup
tc <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 3, classProbs = T,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary, allowParallel = T)
# Model training
en <- train(fcal, lcal,
method = "glmStepAIC",
family = "binomial",
metric = "ROC",
trControl = tc)
# Model outputs & predictions
en.pred <- predict(spreds, en, type = "prob") ## ensemble spatial predictions
fname <- paste("./base_learner/", labs, "_en.rds", sep = "")
saveRDS(en, fname)
# Write out base-learner prediction grids
spreds <- stack(gl.pred, rf.pred, xt.pred, nn.pred, en.pred)
names(spreds) <- c("gl","rf","xt","nn","en")
fname <- paste("./base_learner/", "base_", labs, "_preds.tif", sep = "")
writeRaster(spreds, filename=fname, datatype="FLT4S", options="INTERLEAVE=BAND", overwrite=T)
To save time we have pre-trained all 15 base learners we’ll be using
for the stacking and model validation steps below. This is a bit of
hack. However, you can download all of the associated .rds
model and .gtif
files from our GeoSurvey OSF repository here. If you’d like to train your own
classifiers, make sure to scrub extraneous objects in memory after the
initial training steps only retaining the gs_cal
and lcal
dataframes for the next
The overall training process is quite similar to that for the
base-learners. The main difference is that is that the training features
that are used now are the ensemble learner predictions that were
generated in Section 3.2 above. This is one form of a problem
transformation approach to multilabel classification (see e.g.,
et. al., 2017), which handles the dependencies among labels. You can
download the 3 pre-trained ensemble prediction grids that are needed for
this step from Make sure to unzip and place those
into your base_learner
# Scrub extraneous objects in memory
rm(list=setdiff(ls(), c("gs_cal", "gs_val", "labs", "lcal"))) ## scrubs extraneous objects in memory
# Load ensemble-learner raster files
glist <- list.files(path="./base_learner", pattern="_en.tif", full.names = T)
grids <- stack(glist) ## load ensemble-learner grids
coordinates(gs_cal) <- ~x+y
projection(gs_cal) <- projection(grids)
# Extract gridded variables at survey locations
mlcgrid <- extract(grids, gs_cal)
gs_cal <-, mlcgrid))
The next chunk then fits the stacked multilabel models to the
calibration data.
#Select calibration features
fcal <- gs_cal[ , c(47:49)]
# Start doParallel
mc <- makeCluster(detectCores())
# Control setup
tc <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 3, classProbs = T,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary, allowParallel = T)
# Model training
st <- train(fcal, lcal,
method = "glmStepAIC",
family = "binomial",
metric = "ROC",
trControl = tc)
# Model outputs & predictions
st.pred <- predict(grids, st, type = "prob") ## stacked spatial predictions
fname <- paste("./results/", labs, "_st.rds", sep = "")
saveRDS(st, fname)
# Write out multilabel-learner prediction grids
fname <- paste("./results/", "stack_", labs, "_pred.tif", sep = "")
writeRaster(st.pred, filename=fname, datatype="FLT4S", overwrite=T)
Figure 3 shows the multilabel-learner predictions (… after applying a
few GIS cosmetics in GRASS) that
will be used in the model validation part of this notebook. Note that
the presence of buildings (in red) is positively associated with
croplands (yellow) in different configurations and both are negatively
associated with the presence of dense (>60%) woody vegetation cover
(green). You can download, examine and reuse the pre-trained model
objects and spatial predictions at Unzip and place those into your
Model validation
The models that have been developed have not seen any of the
validation (test-set) data up to this stage. The next chunks calculate
the Receiver Operator Characteristics (ROC)
for the mapped predictions of the land cover multilabels using the
validation data.
# Scrub extraneous objects
rm(list=setdiff(ls(), c("gs_val", "labs", "lcal"))) ## scrubs extraneous objects in memory
# Load multilabel learner rasters
glist <- list.files(path="./results", pattern="_pred.tif", full.names = T)
grids <- stack(glist) ## load multilabel learner grids
# Extract gridded variables at survey locations
coordinates(gs_val) <- ~x+y
projection(gs_val) <- projection(grids)
mlcgrid <- extract(grids, gs_val)
gs_val <-, mlcgrid))
curve provides information about a classification test’s
performance. The closer the apex of the curve toward the upper left
corner, the greater the discriminatory ability of the test (i.e., the
true-positive (Sensitivity) and the true-negative
(Specificity) rates are both high. This next chunk does the
calculations and plots the ROC curve using the pROC
package. Areas under the ROC curve AUC
of 1 discriminate perfectly. AUC values of 0.5 are no better than a
random guess.
# Buildings
BP_roc <- roc(gs_val$BP, gs_val$stack_BP_pred)
BP_auc <- auc(BP_roc)
# Croplands
CP_roc <- roc(gs_val$CP, gs_val$stack_CP_pred)
CP_auc <- auc(CP_roc)
# Dense woody vegetation cover (>60%)
WP_roc <- roc(gs_val$WP, gs_val$stack_WP_pred)
WP_auc <- auc(WP_roc)
par(pty="s", mar=c(4,4,1,1))
plot(BP_roc, xlim=c(1,0), ylim=c(0,1), col="tomato", cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1.3)
lines(CP_roc, col="#feb24c")
lines(WP_roc, col="dark green")
Main takeaways
This notebook generates precise and accurate spatial predictions
of the observed occurrence (presence / absence) of buildings (AUC =
0.87), croplands (AUC = 0.98) and dense woody vegetation cover (AUC =
0.99) in Malawi based on a completely reproducible ensemble machine
learning workflow.
Note that the somewhat lower AUC for building prediction warrants
further investigation, it may be due to overfitting of the base-learner
models developed under section 3.1. We will update this in a future
version of this notebook.
The workflow can be flexibly extended to map other land cover
variables e.g., the density of buildings, soil conservation
infrastructure and crop type distributions, among others. It can also be
rapidly extended to cover new geographies and ROIs with new
observations, geodata and/or alternative MLAs.
The workflow outputs can be used to improve the precision and
accuracy of small land cover area estimates; see an example from Rwanda
and depending on the availability of properly time-stamped GeoSurveys
and their associated remote sensing data, also for cropland area
monitoring and change detection workflows, both operationally and at low
cost compared to conventional land cover mapping practices.
Any questions, comments or corrections related to this notebook are
most welcome via AFSIS.