Data setup
To actually run this notebook, you will need to load the packages
indicated in the chunk below.
# Package names
packages <- c("tidyverse", "rgdal", "sp", "raster", "leaflet", "htmlwidgets", "DT", "compositions",
"doParallel", "caret", "caretEnsemble", "quantreg")
# Install packages
installed_packages <- packages %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if (any(installed_packages == FALSE)) {
# Load packages
invisible(lapply(packages, library, character.only = TRUE))
The primary data used in this notebook include Inductively
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
mineral nutrient concentration measurements of cereal grain samples (in
mg kg-1), including: Na, Mg, P, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu,
Zn, Se, Mo. They also include the georeference of where the samples were
collected (lon/lat, EPSG:3857), the cereal crop that was sampled at that
location, and the source of the grain samples (i.e., from the standing
crop, a field stack or a closely located grain store). They also include
the gridded spatial variables we shall be using for predictive modeling
(see their short description and raw data links in the table below).
You can download all of the data needed to run this notebook
from our GeoNutrition OSF repository
using the following links to: MW_ET_grain_ICP.csv
. Place
the 3 files into your working directory. Note that the
download is relatively large (> 1 Gb),
and may take a bit of time to transfer, depending on your connection.
The next chunks load and merge the GeoNutrition survey data with the
spatial (gridded) features.
icpdat <- read.table("MW_ET_grain_ICP.csv", header=T, sep=",") ## ICP-MS data for ET & MW
et_icp <- icpdat[which(icpdat$survey == 'ET'), ]
# Unzip Ethiopia grid files into a sub-directory called "ET_grids"
dir.create("ET_grids", showWarnings=F)
unzip("", exdir = "ET_grids", overwrite = T)
# Load rasters
et_lis <- list.files(path="./ET_grids", pattern="tif", full.names = T)
et_gri <- stack(et_lis)
# Ethiopia survey projection
et_pro <-$lon, et_icp$lat), "+proj=laea +ellps=WGS84 +lon_0=20 +lat_0=5
+units=m +no_defs"))
colnames(et_pro) <- c("x","y")
et_icp <- cbind(et_icp, et_pro)
coordinates(et_icp) <- ~x+y
projection(et_icp) <- projection(et_gri)
# Extract gridded variables at Ethiopia survey locations
et_grid <- extract(et_gri, et_icp)
et_icp <-, et_grid))
Apply the same procedure to the Malawi GeoNutrition data.
mw_icp <- icpdat[which(icpdat$survey == 'MW'), ]
# Unzip Malawi grid files into a sub-directory called "MW_grids"
dir.create("MW_grids", showWarnings=F)
unzip("", exdir = "MW_grids", overwrite = T)
# Load rasters
mw_lis <- list.files(path="./MW_grids", pattern="tif", full.names = T)
mw_gri <- stack(mw_lis, quick = TRUE)
# Malawi survey projection
mw_pro <-$lon, mw_icp$lat), "+proj=laea +ellps=WGS84 +lon_0=20 +lat_0=5
+units=m +no_defs"))
colnames(mw_pro) <- c("x","y")
mw_icp <- cbind(mw_icp, mw_pro)
coordinates(mw_icp) <- ~x+y
projection(mw_icp) <- projection(mw_gri)
# Extract gridded variables at Malawi survey locations
mw_grid <- extract(mw_gri, mw_icp)
mw_icp <-, mw_grid))
This chunk then merges and writes out a clean, combined data frame
for Ethiopia and Malawi that can be reused should you wish to process it
in software other than R. You can also download the file directly from
our OSF site here.
# Merge the Ethiopia and Malawi data
icpdat <- rbind(et_icp, mw_icp)
# Write-out main data frame
dir.create("Results", showWarnings=F)
write.csv(icpdat, "./Results/ET_MW_icpdat.csv", row.names = F)
## Rows: 3,163
## Columns: 47
## $ survey <chr> "ET", "ET", "ET", "ET", "ET", "ET", "ET", "ET", "ET", "ET", "E…
## $ sid <chr> "ETH0077", "ETH0078", "ETH0079", "ETH0296", "ETH0080", "ETH029…
## $ icp_run <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1,…
## $ lat <dbl> 11.86226, 11.86383, 11.81106, 11.86824, 11.71414, 11.66689, 11…
## $ lon <dbl> 39.28545, 39.21890, 39.09897, 39.28904, 38.95456, 38.86983, 39…
## $ sdate <chr> "04/11/17", "04/11/17", "04/11/17", "04/11/17", "05/11/17", "0…
## $ crop <chr> "barl", "barl", "barl", "barl", "whea", "whea", "barl", "barl"…
## $ source <chr> "crop", "stack", "stack", "crop", "crop", "crop", "stack", "st…
## $ ssamp <chr> "close", "main", "main", "close", "main", "close", "main", "ma…
## $ Ca <dbl> 570.08284, 541.31048, 467.03425, 490.94460, 468.21753, 316.983…
## $ Co <dbl> 0.028669911, 0.025005454, 0.035791448, 0.031038052, 0.02523686…
## $ Cr <dbl> 0.01733333, 0.01733333, 0.01733333, 0.01733333, 0.01733333, 0.…
## $ Cu <dbl> 4.223454, 3.988301, 3.389143, 2.870418, 3.815869, 2.630814, 2.…
## $ Fe <dbl> 85.80682, 80.01296, 94.08756, 77.68504, 41.99542, 34.44408, 57…
## $ K <dbl> 6990.930, 5756.031, 5725.569, 5681.951, 2930.936, 3311.315, 57…
## $ Mg <dbl> 1375.2316, 1172.4774, 1088.2649, 1189.0942, 876.4320, 908.9308…
## $ Mn <dbl> 12.732099, 11.646607, 11.249660, 10.378853, 34.554311, 38.0722…
## $ Mo <dbl> 5.367878909, 3.276685885, 3.620112203, 5.288268721, 2.54115444…
## $ Na <dbl> 129.894114, 137.342082, 101.605533, 138.704873, 17.952582, 12.…
## $ P <dbl> 3325.314, 3649.858, 2895.515, 2755.102, 1434.128, 1741.645, 34…
## $ Se <dbl> 0.000666667, 0.000666667, 0.000666667, 0.000666667, 0.00066666…
## $ V <dbl> 0.172698288, 0.177443069, 0.217143669, 0.160310287, 0.07822827…
## $ Zn <dbl> 26.08365, 21.77466, 15.12363, 16.15510, 12.36118, 13.37781, 16…
## $ albe <dbl> 153, 152, 149, 149, 124, 151, 145, 133, 115, 115, 119, 124, 12…
## $ bio1 <dbl> 108, 111, 118, 107, 130, 135, 120, 126, 148, 148, 147, 180, 16…
## $ bio12 <dbl> 969, 1007, 1068, 977, 1201, 1285, 1108, 1132, 1284, 1491, 1447…
## $ bio15 <dbl> 123, 131, 115, 123, 134, 129, 127, 130, 92, 120, 117, 79, 124,…
## $ bio7 <dbl> 167, 168, 168, 167, 169, 169, 168, 168, 167, 168, 168, 170, 16…
## $ bp <dbl> 0.7018412, 0.2944334, 0.5880405, 0.6142320, 0.4378009, 0.35177…
## $ cec <dbl> 39.00, 40.25, 48.75, 40.75, 47.75, 42.50, 46.25, 44.25, 55.25,…
## $ cp <dbl> 0.9441356, 0.9677382, 0.9692430, 0.9602199, 0.9578317, 0.97414…
## $ dows <dbl> 12.2570591, 9.0583858, 16.6818695, 12.2084780, 18.7506886, 20.…
## $ lstd <dbl> 30.69744, 31.36294, 30.69071, 30.79954, 31.78205, 31.93278, 31…
## $ lstn <dbl> 1.461406, 3.228888, 2.350411, 1.491514, 6.096198, 6.604501, 2.…
## $ mdem <dbl> 3415, 3325, 3251, 3436, 3028, 2911, 3214, 3110, 2743, 2538, 26…
## $ mlat <dbl> 11.86177, 11.86437, 11.81084, 11.86837, 11.71354, 11.66752, 11…
## $ mlon <dbl> 39.28527, 39.21801, 39.09854, 39.28800, 38.95331, 38.86930, 39…
## $ para <dbl> 31.74879, 26.29791, 25.68277, 29.74396, 18.51530, 24.75845, 34…
## $ parv <dbl> 190.7053, 173.5824, 182.5577, 224.5906, 111.2490, 129.7058, 20…
## $ ph <dbl> 6.200, 6.250, 6.775, 6.050, 7.125, 7.000, 6.825, 6.550, 7.025,…
## $ slope <dbl> 1.7088853, 5.7218022, 0.6022949, 2.8924010, 1.5036777, 1.58801…
## $ snd <dbl> 40.75, 35.75, 27.50, 36.25, 28.50, 26.00, 31.25, 25.00, 21.25,…
## $ soc <dbl> 42.25, 29.25, 23.00, 27.75, 22.50, 24.00, 21.50, 23.00, 20.75,…
## $ twi <dbl> 8.238656, 13.537657, 8.084811, 9.573053, 7.702112, 9.655262, 8…
## $ wp <dbl> 0.01817295, 0.01554691, 0.01551769, 0.01695270, 0.01592344, 0.…
## $ x <dbl> 2094549, 2087383, 2074832, 2094896, 2059921, 2051103, 2069622,…
## $ y <dbl> 799943.1, 799830.4, 793415.2, 800627.2, 781964.0, 776324.5, 79…
This next chunk shows where the grain samples were collected. You can
zoom into the map to display the distribution of the individual survey
locations. Clicking on individual markers will indicate which crop
species were collected at that location. The red points are maize (the
most frequent and designated reference crop in these surveys); blue dots
indicate other crops.
col <- ifelse(icpdat$crop == "maiz", "red", "blue")
# Plot sample locations
w <- leaflet() %>%
setView(lng = mean(icpdat$lon), lat = mean(icpdat$lat), zoom = 4) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap.Mapnik) %>%
addCircleMarkers(icpdat$lon, icpdat$lat,
popup = icpdat$crop,
color = col,
stroke = FALSE,
fillOpacity = 0.8,
radius = 6,
clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions())
saveWidget(w, 'MW_ET_ICP_sample_locs.html', selfcontained = T) ## save widget
w ## plot widget
“The Rashomon
effect is a storytelling and writing method in cinema in
which an event is given contradictory interpretations or descriptions by
the individuals involved, thereby providing different perspectives and
points of view of the same incident. The term, derived from the 1950
film Rashomon (directed by Akira Kurosawa), is used to describe the
phenomenon of the unreliability of eyewitnesses.” – also see: Anderson
We will be using a stacking workflow to generate spatial predictions.
Stacking is an ensemble machine learning technique that combines
multiple base models to achieve better overall performance in predictive
modeling tasks. The primary aim of stacking is to improve the
generalization capability of individual models by leveraging the
strengths of diverse models to reduce prediction errors on unseen/test
data (Wolpert,
The core idea of stacking is to train multiple base models on the
same training dataset and then to use their predictions as input
features for a second-level model, called the stacked or meta-model. The
stacked model is then trained to make the final prediction by combining
the outputs of the base models (Breiman,
1996). This two-level prediction process can also be extended to
additional levels where needed. The basic stacking process is as
Data splitting: The original training dataset is split
into a training set and a validation set. This split can be done using
techniques like k-fold cross-validation.
Base model training: Multiple base models are trained on
the training set, which could include different algorithms, different
configurations of the same algorithm, or feature data.
Base model predictions: The trained base models make
predictions on the validation set, generating a new set of features for
the stacked model.
Stacked model training: The ensemble model is trained on
the new set of features generated by the base model predictions,
learning to combine them optimally.
Final predictions: The ensemble makes its final
predictions by feeding the test data through the base models and then
through the stacked model.
Stacking is especially effective when the base models have
complementary strengths and weaknesses. By combining diverse models, the
ensemble can exploit their individual strengths and mitigate their
weaknesses, minimizing overfitting (or underfitting), resulting in
improved overall performance on unseen data. This is very similar to
guarding against bias and combining the predictions of a roomful of
witnesses all of whom have very different recollections, opinions, and
mental models about the same incident … hence, the “Rashomon Effect”
analogy above.
Training / testing
We initially set a 90/10% calibration and validation partition. The
function createDataPartition
in the caret
package can be used to generate balanced splits of the data. If the
argument to this function is a factor, random sampling occurs within
each class and will preserve the overall class balance of the data. We
partition on the survey
variable here.
# Set calibration/validation set randomization seed
seed <- 12358
coda <- coda[sample(1:nrow(coda)), ] # randomize observations
# Split data into calibration and validation sets by survey
gnIndex <- createDataPartition(coda$survey, p = 9/10, list = F, times = 1)
gn_cal <- coda[ gnIndex,]
gn_val <- coda[-gnIndex,]
# Calibration labels
labs <- c("Ca") ## insert other labels here
lcal <- as.vector(t(gn_cal[labs]))
# Raster calibration features
fcal <- gn_cal[ ,c(6:27)]
Spatial base learner
training and prediction
This chunk fits 2 base learner models (one bagging, one boosting),
which use gridded training data with 10-fold cross-validation. You can
learn more about how these algorithms work by looking up the links at:
and gbm.
Change these as you see fit. There are about 160 different algorithms
available via the caret
You can also use caretEnsemble
package instead of
as long as the feature variables (et_gri
and mw_gri
in this case), and the trainControl
methods are the same for each model in the caretList
function. This shortens the script-length of this notebook but does not
otherwise affect the overall caret
functionality. Note
however that the calculations take a bit of time to run on a normal
8-core, 16 Gb memory computer. We fit these models with default-tuning
of the relevant hyperparameters.
# Start doParallel to parallelize model fitting
mc <- makeCluster(detectCores())
# Specify model training controls
tc <- trainControl(method="cv", number=10, allowParallel = TRUE, savePredictions="final")
# Fit 2 base-learners using the specified ionomic labels
blist <- caretList(fcal, lcal,
trControl = tc,
tuneList = NULL,
methodList = c("rf", "gbm"),
preProcess = c("center","scale"),
metric = "RMSE")
fname <- paste("./Results/", labs, "_blist.rds", sep = "")
saveRDS(blist, fname)
# Generate spatial base-learner predictions for Ethiopia
et_rf_pred <- predict(et_gri, blist$rf)
et_gb_pred <- predict(et_gri, blist$gbm)
et_spreds <- stack(et_rf_pred, et_gb_pred)
names(et_spreds) <- c("rf","gb")
fname <- paste("./Results/", labs, "_ET_base.tif", sep = "")
writeRaster(et_spreds, filename=fname, datatype="FLT4S", options="INTERLEAVE=BAND", overwrite=T)
# Generate spatial base-learner predictions for Malawi
mw_rf_pred <- predict(mw_gri, blist$rf)
mw_gb_pred <- predict(mw_gri, blist$gbm)
mw_spreds <- stack(mw_rf_pred, mw_gb_pred)
names(mw_spreds) <- c("rf","gb")
fname <- paste("./Results/", labs, "_MW_base.tif", sep = "")
writeRaster(mw_spreds, filename=fname, datatype="FLT4S", options="INTERLEAVE=BAND", overwrite=T)
Stacked learner
training and prediction
This next chunk then fits and predicts linear ensemble regressions
based on the initial two base-learner models, using the training
# Extract base-learner predictions at the Ethiopia training locations
et_cal <- gn_cal[which(gn_cal$survey == 'ET'), ]
coordinates(et_cal) <- ~x+y
projection(et_cal) <- projection(et_spreds)
et_base <- extract(et_spreds, et_cal)
et_cal <-, et_base))
# Extract base-learner predictions at the Malawi training locations
mw_cal <- gn_cal[which(gn_cal$survey == 'MW'), ]
coordinates(mw_cal) <- ~x+y
projection(mw_cal) <- projection(mw_spreds)
mw_base <- extract(mw_spreds, mw_cal)
mw_cal <-, mw_base))
# Row bind the Ethiopia and Malawi data frames
gn_cal <- rbind(et_cal, mw_cal)
# Raster calibration features (the base-learners)
lcal <- as.vector(t(gn_cal[labs]))
fcal <- gn_cal[ ,c(40:41)]
# Start doParallel
mc <- makeCluster(detectCores())
# Control setup
tc <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10, allowParallel = TRUE, savePredictions="final")
# Model training
en <- train(fcal, lcal,
method = "lm",
metric = "RMSE",
trControl = tc)
# Model predictions
et_en_pred <- predict(et_spreds, en) ## ET ensemble spatial predictions
mw_en_pred <- predict(mw_spreds, en) ## MW ensemble spatial predictions
fname <- paste("./Results/", labs, "_en.rds", sep = "")
saveRDS(en, fname)
# Write out the ensemble-learner prediction grids
et_fname <- paste("./Results/", labs, "_ET_ens.tif", sep = "")
writeRaster(et_en_pred, filename=et_fname, datatype="FLT4S", overwrite=T)
mw_fname <- paste("./Results/", labs, "_MW_ens.tif", sep = "")
writeRaster(mw_en_pred, filename=mw_fname, datatype="FLT4S", overwrite=T)
To save time we have pre-trained all 28 base and 14 ensemble learners
we’ll be using for the model testing and prediction rule generation
steps below. This is a bit of hack! However, you can download and check
all of the associated .rds
model objects and
files from our OSF repository here. Figures 4 & 5 below, show the
stacked-learner predictions, after applying a few GIS cosmetics in GRASS. You can download, examine,
and reuse the pre-trained model objects and predictions at Unzip
and place those into your ./Results
The models that have been developed have not seen any of the test-set
(evaluation) data up to this point. While there are many ways to
quantify the uncertainty inherent in the ensemble predictions, we take a
simple but quite robust approach here using quantile regression with (quantreg).
We are mainly interested in the initial spread of the ROI-wide
predictions (sensu, their 90% probable intervals). Once new data are
collected, we shall be amending these and will also point out some
additional (more spatially explicit) approaches.
# Stack Ethiopia prediction grids
et_lis <- list.files(path="./Results", pattern="ET_ens.tif", full.names = T)
et_sgrd <- stack(et_lis)
names(et_sgrd) <- c("sCa","sCo","sCr","sCu","sFe","sK","sMg","sMn","sMo","sNa","sP",
# Extract ensemble predictions at the Ethiopia testing locations
et_val <- gn_val[which(gn_val$survey == 'ET'), ]
coordinates(et_val) <- ~x+y
projection(et_val) <- projection(et_sgrd)
et_ens <- extract(et_sgrd, et_val)
et_val <-, et_ens))
# Stack Malawi prediction grids
mw_lis <- list.files(path="./Results", pattern="MW_ens.tif", full.names = T)
mw_sgrd <- stack(mw_lis)
names(mw_sgrd) <- c("sCa","sCo","sCr","sCu","sFe","sK","sMg","sMn","sMo","sNa","sP",
# Extract ensemble predictions at the Malawi testing locations
mw_val <- gn_val[which(gn_val$survey == 'MW'), ]
coordinates(mw_val) <- ~x+y
projection(mw_val) <- projection(mw_sgrd)
mw_ens <- extract(mw_sgrd, mw_val)
mw_val <-, mw_ens))
# Row bind the Ethiopia and Malawi test data frames
gn_val <- rbind(et_val, mw_val)
# Quantile regression test-set fits
qNa <- rq(Na~sNa, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qMg <- rq(Mg~sMg, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qP <- rq(P~sP, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qK <- rq(K~sK, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qCa <- rq(Ca~sCa, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qV <- rq(V~sV, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qCr <- rq(Cr~sCr, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qMn <- rq(Mn~sMn, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qFe <- rq(Fe~sFe, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qCo <- rq(Co~sCo, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qCu <- rq(Cu~sCu, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qZn <- rq(Zn~sZn, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qSe <- rq(Se~sSe, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
qMo <- rq(Mo~sMo, tau=c(0.05,0.5,0.95), data = gn_val)
Ionomic prediction
These final chunks are intended to generate a foundation (at least
from the computing side) for the development of a recommender
system that would allow users to make evidence/content based
decisions about crop selections, biofortification and/or mineral
nutrient supplementation practices in different environments. This is a
spatially augmented version of the model that was presented in section
3.2. Also considered now are the dependencies between the individual
ionomic components.
# Extract ensemble predictions at the Ethiopia survey locations
et_icp <- icpdat[which(icpdat$survey == 'ET'), ]
coordinates(et_icp) <- ~x+y
projection(et_icp) <- projection(et_sgrd)
et_ens <- extract(et_sgrd, et_icp)
et_icp <-, et_ens))
# Extract ensemble predictions at the Malawi survey locations
mw_icp <- icpdat[which(icpdat$survey == 'MW'), ]
coordinates(mw_icp) <- ~x+y
projection(mw_icp) <- projection(mw_sgrd)
mw_ens <- extract(mw_sgrd, mw_icp)
mw_icp <-, mw_ens))
# Row bind the Ethiopia and Malawi icp data frames
icpdat <- rbind(et_icp, mw_icp)
write.csv(icpdat, "./Results/ET_MW_icpdat.csv", row.names = F)
icpdat$crop <- factor(icpdat$crop, levels=c('maiz','sorg','pmil','fmil','teff','rice','whea','barl','trit'))
icpdat <- na.omit(icpdat) ## includes only complete cases
y = acomp(icpdat[,10:23])
# Select covariates
covars <- icpdat[,c("survey", "crop", "sNa", "sMg", "sP", "sK", "sCa", "sV", "sCr", "sMn", "sFe",
"sCo", "sCu", "sZn", "sSe", "sMo")]
survey <- covars$survey
crop <- covars$crop
sNa <- covars$sNa
sMg <- covars$sMg
sP <- covars$sP
sK <- covars$sK
sCa <- covars$sCa
sV <- covars$sV
sCr <- covars$sCr
sMn <- covars$sMn
sFe <- covars$sFe
sCo <- covars$sCo
sCu <- covars$sCu
sZn <- covars$sZn
sSe <- covars$sSe
sMo <- covars$sMo
# Fit compositional regression
rules.lm <- lm(clr(y) ~ survey + crop + sNa + sMg + sP + sK + sCa + sV + sCr + sMn + sFe + sCo
+ sCu + sZn + sSe + sMo)
## Call:
## lm(formula = clr(y) ~ survey + crop + sNa + sMg + sP + sK + sCa +
## sV + sCr + sMn + sFe + sCo + sCu + sZn + sSe + sMo)
## Coefficients:
## Ca Co Cr Cu Fe
## (Intercept) -0.8097129 -0.2403896 -0.4228927 0.1522619 0.0605697
## surveyMW -0.0114673 -0.0183197 0.0085906 0.0027045 -0.0296458
## cropsorg 0.2455106 0.0278857 0.1013634 -0.0332349 0.0955683
## croppmil 0.2180395 0.1407845 0.0577203 -0.0119189 0.0996921
## cropfmil 1.4247442 0.3389458 0.1731577 -0.0822123 0.1062598
## cropteff 0.7910583 0.2951233 0.2101580 -0.0633064 0.1696278
## croprice 0.2517039 0.0891165 0.1221628 -0.0451928 0.0358361
## cropwhea 0.4723967 0.1627923 0.1680034 -0.0311299 0.0661462
## cropbarl 0.3715431 0.0660817 0.2061388 -0.0552415 0.0134064
## croptrit 0.4385948 0.2365370 0.0904757 0.0677227 0.0500758
## sNa -0.0371093 -0.0489598 -0.1412270 -0.0182880 -0.0641815
## sMg -0.0520173 -0.1054818 -0.0269826 -0.0164426 -0.1521321
## sP -0.0555744 -0.0752736 -0.2803216 -0.0137499 -0.0523554
## sK 0.1655473 0.0852523 -0.0544128 -0.0464507 0.0131098
## sCa 0.7535204 -0.1170983 -0.2212442 -0.0071347 -0.1156185
## sV -0.0510624 -0.0238315 -0.1132952 -0.0231553 -0.0485970
## sCr -0.0324801 -0.0525894 0.8278860 -0.0208342 -0.0703662
## sMn -0.1034826 -0.0528661 -0.1535974 -0.0310895 -0.0594948
## sFe -0.0357364 -0.0574911 -0.1443202 -0.0217405 0.9184754
## sCo -0.0400805 0.9562756 -0.1494185 -0.0231742 -0.0517543
## sCu -0.0432852 -0.1149480 -0.2610733 1.0102811 -0.0958008
## sZn 0.0524011 -0.0049446 -0.1685245 -0.0488449 -0.0415650
## sSe -0.0366844 -0.0522191 -0.1541457 -0.0196910 -0.0704192
## sMo -0.0388370 -0.0419150 -0.1688457 -0.0153223 -0.0647572
## K Mg Mn Mo Na
## (Intercept) 0.7675142 0.4665913 -0.6025815 -0.0096210 0.0577397
## surveyMW -0.0124404 -0.0004094 0.0547214 0.0538346 0.0034738
## cropsorg -0.1854290 -0.0954630 0.1725629 -0.1059281 0.0049602
## croppmil -0.1335657 -0.1376194 0.1435461 -0.1926099 0.0730115
## cropfmil -0.6634768 -0.5045956 1.0248911 -0.6894862 0.3863795
## cropteff -0.6061299 -0.3903427 0.5467260 -0.4293237 0.1359727
## croprice -0.2651192 -0.1477737 0.2126557 -0.0761231 0.0471181
## cropwhea -0.3032382 -0.2760876 0.3960894 -0.2269801 0.0699022
## cropbarl -0.2367721 -0.2346181 0.1801942 -0.0826164 0.1371026
## croptrit -0.1784433 -0.2315447 0.3882819 -0.2724452 0.2600153
## sNa -0.0403989 -0.0368171 -0.0469544 -0.1427372 0.8631255
## sMg 0.0522375 0.8574368 -0.0103724 -0.2053037 -0.0873806
## sP 0.0256199 0.0336223 -0.0391449 -0.0427652 -0.1001164
## sK 0.6519407 -0.1257078 0.0312865 -0.2170750 -0.2005785
## sCa 0.0756725 0.0521480 -0.1203245 -0.0308132 -0.1898527
## sV -0.0614129 -0.0544245 -0.0477144 -0.1618030 -0.1293387
## sCr -0.0459002 -0.0353683 -0.0348341 -0.1317991 -0.1361581
## sMn -0.0127553 -0.0004591 0.8561576 -0.0702361 -0.1627400
## sFe -0.0470581 -0.0390096 -0.0364884 -0.1359375 -0.1360797
## sCo -0.0535521 -0.0441500 -0.0375221 -0.1452258 -0.1444412
## sCu -0.0122458 -0.0081296 -0.0346627 -0.1204234 -0.1179189
## sZn -0.0927927 -0.0537481 0.0408378 -0.2093173 -0.1342996
## sSe -0.0473062 -0.0386883 -0.0390171 -0.1322788 -0.1368610
## sMo -0.0402727 -0.0335929 -0.0416637 0.8595164 -0.1384309
## P Se V Zn
## (Intercept) 0.4843776 -0.5502767 0.3605072 0.2859128
## surveyMW -0.0063556 -0.0440631 0.0033148 -0.0039384
## cropsorg -0.1689514 0.1153775 0.0286026 -0.2028249
## croppmil -0.1378572 0.0406930 -0.0865635 -0.0733524
## cropfmil -0.7488344 -0.0541172 0.0440597 -0.7557154
## cropteff -0.5076221 0.2602347 0.1120822 -0.5242584
## croprice -0.1654165 0.0924034 0.0165379 -0.1679091
## cropwhea -0.2931278 0.1100118 -0.0529311 -0.2618473
## cropbarl -0.2184501 0.1102285 -0.0273508 -0.2296461
## croptrit -0.2279518 -0.1495011 -0.2431852 -0.2286319
## sNa -0.0446258 -0.1835283 -0.0164849 -0.0418132
## sMg 0.0890469 -0.1894542 -0.2187989 0.0656451
## sP 0.8310791 -0.2245585 0.0069145 -0.0133760
## sK -0.1516348 0.0040139 0.0549725 -0.2102635
## sCa 0.0671859 -0.1717190 -0.0482001 0.0734785
## sV -0.0660023 -0.1546085 0.9870323 -0.0517866
## sCr -0.0442412 -0.1605306 -0.0251121 -0.0376724
## sMn -0.0060648 -0.1662600 -0.0265273 -0.0105848
## sFe -0.0473955 -0.1741277 -0.0025784 -0.0405123
## sCo -0.0524496 -0.1522539 -0.0126276 -0.0496258
## sCu -0.0307018 -0.1531166 -0.0264607 0.0084855
## sZn -0.0895469 -0.1284841 0.0491272 0.8297015
## sSe -0.0444327 0.8337229 -0.0228714 -0.0391081
## sMo -0.0401992 -0.1646829 -0.0365644 -0.0344327
The next chunk transforms the model coefficients back to the original
compositional scale.
coefs <- clrInv(coef(rules.lm), orig=y)
## Ca Co Cr Cu Fe
## (Intercept) "0.02884916" "0.05097851" "0.04247438" "0.07549420" "0.06887984"
## surveyMW "0.07059005" "0.07010799" "0.07202023" "0.07159756" "0.06931842"
## cropsorg "0.09049330" "0.07279527" "0.07834551" "0.06847922" "0.07789280"
## croppmil "0.08815347" "0.08159959" "0.07509545" "0.07004380" "0.07831443"
## cropfmil "0.23622800" "0.07975816" "0.06757316" "0.05234419" "0.06320055"
## cropteff "0.14451819" "0.08801176" "0.08084268" "0.06150022" "0.07763162"
## croprice "0.09090013" "0.07725982" "0.07985562" "0.06754978" "0.07325112"
## cropwhea "0.11111418" "0.08152860" "0.08195457" "0.06715690" "0.07401796"
## cropbarl "0.10182207" "0.07502080" "0.08629939" "0.06644950" "0.07117134"
## croptrit "0.10742681" "0.08777283" "0.07584491" "0.07413871" "0.07284186"
## sNa "0.06621976" "0.06543965" "0.05967189" "0.06747790" "0.06445109"
## sMg "0.06507413" "0.06168635" "0.06672381" "0.06743080" "0.05887476"
## sP "0.06507020" "0.06380091" "0.05197275" "0.06784944" "0.06528000"
## sK "0.08211749" "0.07578163" "0.06590345" "0.06643028" "0.07050710"
## sCa "0.14696490" "0.06153309" "0.05544709" "0.06868554" "0.06162422"
## sV "0.06444324" "0.06622220" "0.06055500" "0.06626700" "0.06460231"
## sCr "0.06676730" "0.06543807" "0.15783965" "0.06754941" "0.06428507"
## sMn "0.06198699" "0.06520532" "0.05895708" "0.06664084" "0.06477452"
## sFe "0.06592687" "0.06450814" "0.05914324" "0.06685606" "0.17118723"
## sCo "0.06537482" "0.17706082" "0.05860378" "0.06648947" "0.06461609"
## sCu "0.06468137" "0.06020831" "0.05202296" "0.18549716" "0.06137224"
## sZn "0.07253390" "0.06849141" "0.05815597" "0.06554966" "0.06602860"
## sSe "0.06645405" "0.06542968" "0.05908927" "0.06759298" "0.06424963"
## sMo "0.06612855" "0.06592532" "0.05806667" "0.06770197" "0.06443651"
## K Mg Mn Mo Na
## (Intercept) "0.13967358" "0.10337728" "0.03548863" "0.06421089" "0.06868519"
## surveyMW "0.07052139" "0.07137496" "0.07542040" "0.07535355" "0.07165266"
## cropsorg "0.05881143" "0.06434777" "0.08412705" "0.06367788" "0.07114539"
## croppmil "0.06202106" "0.06177015" "0.08182524" "0.05846509" "0.07625258"
## cropfmil "0.02927039" "0.03431071" "0.15837161" "0.02851890" "0.08363254"
## cropteff "0.03573809" "0.04434520" "0.11319059" "0.04264983" "0.07506240"
## croprice "0.05421395" "0.06096401" "0.08741905" "0.06549242" "0.07408222"
## cropwhea "0.05115823" "0.05256623" "0.10295078" "0.05521206" "0.07429650"
## cropbarl "0.05541840" "0.05553790" "0.08408918" "0.06465512" "0.08054261"
## croptrit "0.05796108" "0.05496355" "0.10215557" "0.05276087" "0.08985797"
## sNa "0.06600227" "0.06623911" "0.06557101" "0.05958185" "0.16291257"
## sMg "0.07222469" "0.16157692" "0.06784136" "0.05582606" "0.06281311"
## sP "0.07057395" "0.07114097" "0.06614810" "0.06590906" "0.06223544"
## sK "0.13355914" "0.06136845" "0.07180041" "0.05600991" "0.05694154"
## sCa "0.07461532" "0.07288052" "0.06133489" "0.06707827" "0.05721526"
## sV "0.06377966" "0.06422694" "0.06465936" "0.05768772" "0.05959124"
## sCr "0.06587727" "0.06657474" "0.06661032" "0.06045471" "0.06019176"
## sMn "0.06787391" "0.06871366" "0.16183295" "0.06408248" "0.05842051"
## sFe "0.06518467" "0.06571143" "0.06587731" "0.05964111" "0.05963263"
## sCo "0.06450003" "0.06510932" "0.06554229" "0.05885000" "0.05889619"
## sCu "0.06672052" "0.06699573" "0.06524150" "0.05987955" "0.06002971"
## sZn "0.06273129" "0.06522905" "0.07170000" "0.05583136" "0.06018080"
## sSe "0.06575192" "0.06632102" "0.06629921" "0.06039560" "0.06011949"
## sMo "0.06603368" "0.06647625" "0.06594189" "0.16238239" "0.05985989"
## P Se V Zn
## (Intercept) "0.10523242" "0.03739426" "0.09297225" "0.08628940"
## surveyMW "0.07095181" "0.06832620" "0.07164127" "0.07112352"
## cropsorg "0.05978853" "0.07945118" "0.07284748" "0.05779720"
## croppmil "0.06175547" "0.07382761" "0.06500578" "0.06587028"
## cropfmil "0.02687560" "0.05383566" "0.05938923" "0.02669130"
## cropteff "0.03943781" "0.08499410" "0.07329037" "0.03878714"
## croprice "0.05989787" "0.07751418" "0.07185106" "0.05974876"
## cropwhea "0.05167809" "0.07733707" "0.06570865" "0.05332015"
## cropbarl "0.05644313" "0.07840692" "0.06832891" "0.05581472"
## croptrit "0.05516139" "0.05966311" "0.05432746" "0.05512389"
## sNa "0.06572388" "0.05720034" "0.06759968" "0.06590899"
## sMg "0.07493277" "0.05671792" "0.05507774" "0.07319957"
## sP "0.15792500" "0.05495324" "0.06926610" "0.06787482"
## sK "0.05979780" "0.06986869" "0.07352137" "0.05639273"
## sCa "0.07398477" "0.05826225" "0.06592207" "0.07445180"
## sV "0.06348762" "0.05810425" "0.18197687" "0.06439659"
## sCr "0.06598664" "0.05874247" "0.06726106" "0.06642152"
## sMn "0.06832955" "0.05821523" "0.06694556" "0.06802140"
## sFe "0.06516269" "0.05740634" "0.06814952" "0.06561276"
## sCo "0.06457117" "0.05843785" "0.06719441" "0.06475376"
## sCu "0.06550042" "0.05795355" "0.06577881" "0.06811816"
## sZn "0.06293523" "0.06053180" "0.07229682" "0.15780412"
## sSe "0.06594113" "0.15868450" "0.06737834" "0.06629318"
## sMo "0.06603853" "0.05830890" "0.06627900" "0.06642045"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "acomp"